There isn't a single best way to preserve memories; every method has its drawbacks. The key is to use a combination of methods.
Traditional Methods:
For example, physical copies are great because they have a tangible feel, but they degrade quickly over time, collect dust, and take up space. Organizing them can also be a hassle, especially many years later.
Traditional methods of preserving memories, like photo albums, are classic ways to organize and display photographs, allowing easy access to cherished moments. However, they can be hard to find if you don’t live with the person who owns them, usually a parent or a family member.
Scrapbooks offer a creative way to combine photos, mementos, handwritten notes, tickets, bookmarks, and other keepsakes from travels or special events. They’re unique and personal but require effort to create and maintain.
Journaling is another great method. Writing down thoughts, feelings, and experiences helps capture memories in a narrative form, adding a personal touch. However, these might be very private and not something you’d easily share with others. You might also have audio notes or quick notes jotted down on your phone or calendar.
Combination of Methods:
In my opinion, the best way to preserve memories and legacies is by combining the best aspects of both physical and digital methods, and that's where Memshard comes in.
You can scan photo albums and upload them to a secure digital space, preserving the details of your location and the natural atmosphere. This space allows you to upload photos and videos, and the best part is that multiple family members can contribute. From my experience as a memory preservation expert, every family member has different photos, and you wouldn’t know unless you brought everyone together to upload them into a shared family archive.

Another advantage is that it takes almost no space in your home; you access everything with an NFC chip or a memory shard. This is something that can last for generations, helping you preserve the legacy of your parents and grandparents. Knowing that their lives and memories matter and will live on with future generations provides peace of mind. Check out more about memoryshard and how it can be the best tool to preserve your memories and legacy. Click here