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Honor them Forever. Memories Live On in an Immersive World

Feel Closer. We Transform Photos & Memories into Immersive Tributes. Cherish Stories Forever

Memory Recreated

Change the way we remember our memories and preserve legacy & stories​

How it works



Take panoramic photos of your home



Upload your memories



We will create the world



We will send you your free Memoryshard

Emotional Benefits

Relive precious moments: 

Common reminiscing methods like 2D photos and videos fall short in capturing the depth of our memories.

Our goal is to help people fully document and preserve their stories for future revisiting.

We document your home and turn it into a virtual tour / hub that holds your fragmented memories


Bridge the physical & digital world:

Easily access your most precious memories with a Memshard (memory shard), no matter where you are or what you're doing. 

Choose from a variety of NFC charms, cards and tokens.

With just a tap on your phone, you'll be transported back to your fondest moments.

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Endless personalization & customization

  • Create photo galleries

  • Insert voice notes from family and friends

  • Attach Videos

Start today, create a lasting tribute
  • Capture your memories remotely: You shoot panoramic photos of your space and we stitch them together.

  • Ideal for: Simple tributes with a focus on still imagery.

  • Storage: Includes storage for 100 of high-resolution photos.

  • Capture your memories remotely: You shoot panoramic photos of your space and we stitch them together.

  • Enhance your tribute: We perform basic edits to enhance the visual quality of your photos (e.g., brightness, color correction).

  • Optional Add-on: Background Music

  • Ideal for: Creating a more polished and visually engaging tribute.

  • Storage: Includes storage for 400 high-resolution photos and 5 mins of video

  • We capture your memories: Our professional photographer visits your location
    (Singapore Only) to capture high-quality panoramic images.

  • Full-service experience: Sit back and relax, we take care of everything.

  • Enhanced Tribute Creation: We create a visually stunning tribute with professional editing and potential video elements.

  • Ideal for: A premium tribute with the highest quality visuals and a hands-off experience.

  • Storage: Includes storage for 1000 high-resolution photos and 10 mins of video

Terms and conditions*

  • Lifetime hosting = 40 years

  • On site capturing is only for Singapore Clients only

Mr Chan
Business Consultant Singapore

I am very grateful for the work that Memshard has done for me and my family. This helps to preserve my family's legacy and story, especially my dad. This is something that everyone should get.

Radio interview

In this video Joshua Simson host for Kiss92 interviews our founder Jek Tan. Where he covers:

  • Introduction to what is Memshard, how it works and it's origins

  • How did I use discoveries from users that lead me to use NFC chips to increase usability

  • How some of my clients have been using Memshard 

  • How I help people build their own memory bank

  • My long term vision for our community

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